M. R. Štefánika 811, 020 01 Púchov
The building is located in the centre of Púchov, in close proximity to the city theatre, the Municipal and District Office and the Slovak Post Office.
Transport connections:
City center – high traffic of people.
The building is three-storey with a number of different commercial establishments. In the basement of the building there is a technical facilities of the building. On the ground floor of the building – drugstore, grocery store, clinic for diabetes, metabolic and nutritional disorders, betting office, ice cream, café, stationery, fast food. Businesses at 1. floor of the building – shoe and textile shop, hairdresser, bar.
Possibilities of commercial use (operation of services of various nature).
The building has an elevator to 2. floor
Possibility of advertising on the facade (large advertising space and advertising showcases from a busy road).
Free parking behind the building – near residential houses.
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